The HumSAT SystemThe main purpose of the HumSAT system is the development of a satellite-based system for connecting a set of users with a network of worldwide distributed sensors which they have previously deployed. Sensors will be responsible for acquiring user data and for transmitting it to the satellites through an standard radio interface (SSI interface, definition of this interface is published in the Documentation section). Users will be able to define their own sensors, for monitoring different types of parameters; for example, water temperature or wind speed. For retrieving data from the satellites, the GENSO network of ground stations will be one of the core components of the data distribution system. Several universities from different ESA member states, Japan and USA are coperating in this project, whose second release (R2) is expected to provide the functionalities that the HumSAT system will require. For more information about the GENSO project, please visit the website. Once data has been transported by HumSAT satellites, authorized users will be able to access it through an Internet connection. Several security restrictions shall be applied for guaranteeing a correct access to the data gathered. Figure below provides an overview of the HumSAT system concept. Besides, the HumSAT project has strong educational objectives such as:
System applicationsThe HumSAT system will provide a generic communications service commonly known as "storage and forward", above which the different users of the system will be expected to build and define their own applications. Nevertheless, several killer applications can be identified as the core set of applications for whom the HumSAT system is expected to provide its services: