Satellites of the constellation
Satellite Humsat-D (University of Vigo – Spain)
Frequency 437,325 MHz
Mode CW / MSK-1200bps

Discovery mode

  • CW beacon with different parameters of the satellite (only in sunlight).
  • TM every 150 seconds with all the housekeeping parameters (only in sunlight).

User mode

  • Data from Humsat sensors stored on-board.

We would like to invite radio amateurs to receive and decode beacons and telemetry from the satellite. We will be grateful to receive data and audio recordings. Please, send your reports to TNX! 73!


  • Object 2013-066S (NORAD # 39432)
  • Object 2013-066T (NORAD # 39433)
Sensors (on Earth)
Frequency 437,525 MHz
Mode GMSK-1200bps
Description All the sensors of the Humsat systems use the same interface defined in the SSI document available on request.This document describes the modulation and the frame format used.

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